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The Vampire Diaries Review: “A View To A Kill” (Season 4, Episode 12)

Yes. Finally. An episode of The Vampire Diaries that didn't play it safe this season. Momentum was to be had, alliances thwarted, and the return of an unexpected run away mom was made. The writers took chances, the characters made decisions, and things worked out - for the most part.

The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries

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Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) have never had the ideal brother relationship, and that probably won’t be changing anytime soon. What they do have in common is their mutual love of Elena. Even when Stefan is busy brooding, he will never completely discard her. Although he did deliver an epic line on the last episode trying to convince her otherwise – “You don’t know what I look like when I’m not in love with you.” But, it was nice to see him make room for someone else in his protective-zone. He was able to get the dagger from Rebekah without returning it by stabbing her with it. How sweet. I understand why Elena might find it hard to trust Rebekah with all their tragedy-major history and such, but she doesn’t seem like that horrible of a person – comparatively speaking. It would be nice to see her with actual friends instead of unconscious in a box most of the time. She clearly has some trust issues, but a few decades of therapy and that is sure to clear up.

Not unlike the effect that true love might have on Klaus – if he ever gets out of the Gilbert’s living room. Klaus is the most self-destructive character on the show by far. He sabotages any chance he has at not being alone with his rash decisions. Damon gave us a pretty accurate analysis in this episode of The Vampire Diaries about why Klaus is disliked. He does bad things just to do them, there’s no purpose – his actions are unforgivable. Living in the moment may be an attractive quality when it involves normal spontaneous actions like showing up with flowers, this however does not carry over to spontaneously killing the mother of your crush’s boyfriend. If Klaus ever let Caroline (Candice Accola) see his good side for more than five seconds, she might actually stop letting herself be used as bait in all plans to thwart Klaus.

Speaking of, where is Caroline? We saw in the previews for next week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries that Tyler (Michael Trevino) will be back, but wouldn’t Caroline be useful at some point. At the very least, she tends to be good at calming Klaus down – and, let’s face it, after being trapped in a living room by invisible walls and forced to go all mime, he’s going to need some TLC to smooth things over. The only mention of Caroline is a single line from Bonnie saying that she was taking her place at dance prep. I hate when they do that. She might be off with Tyler helping him mourn and lick his wounds, but her character is great and deserves more air time.

Is there any other TVD cast member that you don’t think is getting the airtime they deserve? How about Kol – were you happy to see him go?

Until next episode.