On the flip side, Bonnie and Damon have enough problems in 1994 that it might take them awhile to get back. Their return won’t coincide with Elena regaining her memories, naturally, but it will give her enough time to move on beforehand – which will make for all the more drama later on.
Grams was a little vague when she mentioned that she had a plan for Bonnie post the collapse of the other side, and now there’s a new character residing in hell with her and it’s a little hard to know what to make of him. After that impressive introduction, writers will be hard pressed to convince fans that he’s the answer that Bonnie and Damon have been waiting for. Going after Damon may have been enough to bring out Bonnie’s witchy side, but that doesn’t mean the new guy has anyone’s best interest at heart – besides his own. Going forward, the big conflict with his addition the confined duo, now a trio, is going to be unraveling why he was there in the first place. How did he slip through the cracks of the time continuum? And, is he the real-deal, or just another obstacle to distract Bonnie and Damon from getting back home?
Caroline (Candice Accola) is trying really hard to hold everyone together, but with Stefan making his debut as ‘mostly unlikeable Stefan,’ she has her work cut out for her. A little supernatural intervention right about now could go a long way. Too bad the other side is no longer standing, otherwise the writers could pull a convenient intervention from among the long list of deceased characters who were always just a spell (or fluke) away.
Although Stefan has taken up residence on planet denial in regards to needing or caring about his friends, I’m guessing there’s going to be a happy ending waiting for everyone (err, almost everyone) at some point this season. I just hope Enzo (Michael Malarkey) can manage to stay alive long enough to see it.