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Why Titans Is The Live-Action TV Series That DC Needs

As soon as the first images of Titans hit the internet, there was controversy. A lot of fans took issue with an African-American actress portraying an orange alien and demanded a more comic book accurate interpretation. Sadly, all other orange aliens were contractually tied up in other projects such as The Wind in the Martian Willows, so it is what it is.

Replacing The Arrowverse

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Much like everyone celebrating Disney’s acquisition of Fox, and getting a bulk of Marvel’s properties back home, we should be shouting from the rooftops that DC is starting its own streaming service. This means it’ll be able to call the shots and be in charge of all its creative decisions and storylines.

While the Arrowverse has succeeded in many ways and paved the way for other superhero TV shows to prosper, it’s still owned by The CW. DC’s at the mercy of the network and its decisions, hence we having to suffer through a wedding – or longwinded romance – on every season of each show.

Don’t get us wrong: The partnership between DC and The CW looks to be healthy and strong. However, there are limitations, and it’s the equivalent of working for someone else. Sure, the relationship might be good and fruitful for both parties, but it’ll never be as sweet as when you’re in control of your own destiny and making the rules.

Titans is the proof of concept for DC Universe. A whole bunch of other shows have been announced for the future, but this is the biggie. If it succeeds, it’ll kick down the barndoor for all its pals to come out and play.

There’s no doubt that DC’s thinking big here and wants to create its own sandbox for its properties. No longer will rights be held up at different networks (and possibly studios in the future) and we could see all our favorite DC superheroes and supervillains slugging it out in a shared universe that’s vast and owned by the right people.