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Why Titans Is The Live-Action TV Series That DC Needs

As soon as the first images of Titans hit the internet, there was controversy. A lot of fans took issue with an African-American actress portraying an orange alien and demanded a more comic book accurate interpretation. Sadly, all other orange aliens were contractually tied up in other projects such as The Wind in the Martian Willows, so it is what it is.

Three Different Titans Series

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Chicken mayonnaise sandwiches are yummy. They’re tasty and always a treat. But would you want to eat the same sandwich three a times a day for a whole week? Exactly. Then, why would you want to watch the same characters do the same thing across three shows?

When Teen Titans Go! was released, it caused controversy because it deviated from the original Teen Titans. It was different and strayed away from the tone of the first animated series, as it targeted a young audience. For ages, fans slammed its existence before finally warming up to the show and accepting it as its own beast. Furthermore, there’s now the chance that original animated series might be making a comeback – maybe on the DC Universe.

So, why would anyone want Titans to be a beat-for-beat adaptation of those two other shows? Is variety not the spice of life? It’s pointless to remake something in a live-action form, because the first criticism is that it’s a regurgitation of something else.

We’re living in an era of reboots and rehashes. Instead of celebrating new ideas and creative risks, we bemoan whenever something takes an unexpected turn. This attitude needs to change. What’s the worst that could happen? Sure, Titans could suck and not be good, but we’d still have the other two series to enjoy and cherish. Really, a bad TV show isn’t the end of the world. Far from it, in fact.