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The Top 10 Episodes Of Arrow So Far

It wouldn’t be 100 per cent accurate to put the credit (or the blame) for the impressive slate of superhero shows on our TVs on Arrow, but the success of the CW’s adaptation of the Emerald Archer probably has something to do with the fact that during the 2015/16 season there will be over a dozen comic book inspired series across the television dial.

3) “Vendetta” – December 5, 2012

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Oliver’s first attempt to find a costumed sidekick fails in “Vendetta,” the second part of the Huntress’ origin that sees Oliver try and make a human connection with Helena Bertinelli, but ends up making an enemy of her alter-ego in the process. The Laurel and Tommy drama is used to good effect this time, highlighting the reasons why Oliver and Helena can’t be a normal couple by day and a pair of vigilante butt-kickers by night, but the entire affair teaches Oliver a couple of valuable lessons going forward.

First of all, he can’t help someone who’s a lost cause. In the end, Helena was too far gone down the path of vengeance against her father to ever find a middle ground, and all Oliver did was make her a better operative. Second, he has to be a bit more cautious about who he lets into the Arrow-cave; Diggle was a calculated risk, but there was some calculation. And finally, it’s okay to take chances with your heart, and there’s more to life than your father’s list of bad people that must be taken down.

In the end, it wouldn’t be too long before Team Arrow would undergo a significant growth spurt again.