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True Blood Review: “Gone, Gone, Gone” (Season 5, Episode 10)

After last week's semi-climactic end of the Obama gang, True Blood has been steadily gearing up for World War 3 between fangers and humans. Now that Terry's story has ended and Alcide's has fizzled out, there's plenty of time to enjoy watching vampires take over the world, one dead human at a time. With only two episodes left, Gone, Gone, Gone proves that there is still a lot at stake (pun intended) for all of our favorite characters.

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Sookie and Jason finally discover what their Gran really wanted them to find: a contract written in an old faerie language that signs away the first Stackhouse, who happens to be a faerie to a vampire named Warlow. Unfortunately, that faerie happens to be Sookie. It’s not revealed who Warlow is, or what the motivation behind the contract is, but since it was signed in the early 1700s I’m sure we’ll be hearing even more about the Stackhouse family tree before the season is out.

Tara and Pam, who have been left at the mercy of the new sheriff Elijah (who looks like the lead singer of every band I listened to in high school), begin to make plans to escape his rule as Tru Blood empties out, leaving the bar a feeding ground for vampires. Yet in an act of unprecedented “holy-crap-no-wayness,” Tara beheads Elijah and declares that her and Pam are staying. It was at this point that I stopped hating Tara and started wishing she would have been turned about four seasons ago.

In the Edgington realm of affairs, Russell has decided that he has had enough with Lilith and decides to strike out on his own, hoping to synthesize faerie blood and begin daywalking. Even though the effects of drinking faerie blood previously only lasted for seconds to minutes at a time, Russell hopes to break through that barrier and own the day. A pissed off, rogue Russell Edgington thrown into the mix is nothing but trouble, and I absolutely love it.

The rest of Bon Temps isn’t doing too hot either as the rise in vampire violence is keeping humans locked up in fear. Shots of the empty town and of deserted locales (like the usually bustling Merlot’s and Fangtasia) are kinda creepy, and they’re setting the mood for the upcoming finale perfectly. The showdown between humans and fangers that the show has been touting is looking to be one of the new highlights of the series.

So another True Blood episode has come and gone, with nothing exclusively awesome happening. However, this doesn’t mean it was a bad episode; as a set up for the final two episodes of the season, Gone, Gone, Gone has succeeded in exciting us for the usual chaos that occurs in Bon Temps. The calm before the storm is unsettling, as is the feeling that not all of our favorites are going to see season six.

For the next two weeks we’re going to have to hold our breaths until we see how the storm unfolds.