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5 TV Characters That Are Just As Badass As Breaking Bad’s Walter White

Can we all take a moment of silence for Walter White? I would say that it is fitting for all the entertainment and amazement that the character brought into our lives, weekly. Truth is, now that Breaking Bad is over, there is a bit of a void, and I think we can all feel it. Nothing about that show felt like a show. It felt like an hour long weekly movie and after a while, it was hard not to feel a connection with those characters.

[h2]Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead[/h2]


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What are the chances that a character made especially for the show would end up being one of the best characters in The Walking Dead? Daryl is a badass because he takes no bullshit from anyone, carries a freaking crossbow (you generally don’t fuck with people who carry crossbows), and when it comes right down to it, will kill his own family if need be to survive. Yeah, pretty badass.

In many ways, the fact that they change SO MUCH from the comic book for the show really pisses off some fans, but who can argue that Daryl Dixon is not one of the most badass characters from the show? From his always weathered look (like he just woke up in a dryer, hung over), to the fact that his crossbow is one of TV’s coolest weapons, Daryl Dixon injects some much needed LIFE into a world that is teeming with the dead.

Here’s a couple interesting things that people may not know about Daryl.

He was not part of the official cast in the first season. That was more of a trial run with the character to see how people reacted to him. So many people ended up loving him and what actor Norman Reedus brought to the show that he got moved up to cast regular for seasons 2 and on. The other interesting thing is that rumors say that they MAY write Daryl into the comic. Creator Robert Kirkman claims he has no intention of it, but there are some insiders hinting otherwise.

One final interesting fact about Daryl is that Reedus wants him to have a dog, and so far, the producers have said no. Last time he asked was when they gave him that fancy crossbow upgrade. Funny how the crossbow has almost become like a character on the show. You can see he has bonded with it as if it were a pet, and that makes more sense when you realize that he kind of wants it to be.

I think Daryl’s utlimate Walter White moment was when he had to kill his brother, who had turned into a zombie. That moment was incredibly sad to watch, and definitely reeked of Walter White in that he was an antihero who has to do whatever it takes, no matter what.

The new season of The Walking Dead will be back in a few weeks. Can’t wait to see what other sick shit awaits this badass.