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‘Warrior Nun’ showrunner urges the Halo Bearers to never give up on trying to save the show

We get the sneaking suspicion that they won't.

warrior nun
Photo via Netflix

After months of headline-grabbing antics and viral developments, things have been getting awfully quiet on the Warrior Nun front recently after the former Netflix series had previously spent the entirety of its post-cancellation existence dominating the social media conversation.

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Maybe showrunner Simon Barry has noticed that enthusiasm could be in danger of waning, because he’s reappeared on Twitter with a heartfelt plea to Halo Bearers everywhere. As well as making a point of noting there’s no chance he’s going to be taking the credit should Warrior Nun live again, his message also comes across as a call to arms to ensure the demands to have the supernatural comic book adaptation rise from the ashes don’t go quietly into the night.

As always, though, the ball doesn’t lie in the court of anyone with skin in the game. It’s entirely up to television or steaming executives to take the plunge and opt for more fantastically-tinged adventures from Alba Baptista’s Ava Silva and the gang, but so far nobody seems willing to bite, swoop in, and save the show from the endless suffering of purgatory.

We’re closing in on five months since Netflix announced its top-rated season of episodic content ever on Rotten Tomatoes wasn’t popular enough to return for a third run of adventures, and at its essence, the movement is exactly where it was back then. The stark difference is that we’ve seen plenty of billboards and hashtags pop up in the interim, but that hasn’t been enough as of yet.