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What did Luke Valentine claim he was going to say on ‘Big Brother’ instead of the word he used?

He can't even pronounce the word correctly.

Image via CBS

It took less than a week for a Big Brother housemate to cause a controversy, but Luke Valentine has been ejected from the house for his use of a racial slur on air. At the time he claimed that it slipped out and it was not the word he meant to say, but what was the word Valentine was going to use instead?

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Valentine dropped the slur whilst quoting from the song 0-100 by Drake, he quickly tried to correct it to “dude” but he’d already said the whole word by that point so there wasn’t really any saving it. He apologized to his fellow housemates, but the situation quickly became pretty tense, so much so that Hasim and Cory hastily exited leaving Valentine to try and justify himself to Jared.

Not done embarrassing himself, he tries once more to save the situation by claiming that he meant to replace the slur with the word “Narwhal” except he doesn’t even pronounce it right, calling it a “nar-whale” instead. “It wasn’t what you thought it was, I was gonna call him a narwhal.” Jared played it cool as he assured Luke “I don’t give a f***” although viewers of the show were less inclined to forgive him for using the word and many were happy to see him gone.

“That guy looks and acts like a serial killer anyway im glad he’s gone lol”

“He said it soooo casually too like he always uses it”

“Dude was not even a little bit sorry. Definitely not the first time that has rolled off his tongue.”

Unfortunately for Luke, there is no such thing as a nar-whale. And doubly unfortunate for him was the fact that the public and producers weren’t willing to let him off the hook that easily.