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What does the bee in ‘Bridgerton’ symbolize?

No, it’s not Queen Charlotte, but good guess.

Image via Netflix

Ever since Christmas 2020, a certain Shondaland-enabled train began getting coal shoveled into it, quickly accelerating into one of the most sensational streaming franchises to ever grace the queues of Netflix. We speak, of course, of Bridgerton.

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Indeed, with two thunderously successful seasons and a prolific spinoff in Queen Charlotte already a part of the Bridgerton machine, the franchise is now preparing to welcome season three into the fold, where it appears Colin will be carrying the main character torch forward (a role previously held by Anthony and Daphne) as he casts his obliviousness to the side in hopes of finally getting with Penelope; our hopes, that is.

But whatever’s in store for the eclectic residents of the ton this season, there’s sure to be a tiny little bumblebee bearing witness to every move; a presence that is clearly no accident on the part of the show’s creators. The question is, why a bee?

What does the bee represent in Bridgerton?

The Bridgerton family posing together outside their home in Netflix's 'Bridgerton.'
Image via Netflix

The presence of the bee — featuring most prominently in the closing seconds of Bridgerton‘s first season finale — represents Edmund, the deceased father of the Bridgerton children, watching over his family from the great beyond.

We find out during the second season, of course, that the cause of Edmund’s death was a bee sting that he sustained whilst returning from a hunting trip with Anthony. The sting sends him to into anaphylactic shock, and he dies in a devastated Violet’s arms moments after.

Knowing this, it makes sense that a bee being shown so explicitly throughout Bridgerton ties back to the father in a similar way that dragonflies or butterflies so often represent the presence of deceased loved ones. So, fear not, Bridgerton children; your father is buzzing alongside every one of your adventures.

Bridgerton is available to stream on Netflix. The first four episodes of season three are due out on May 16.