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Which Endless sibling is the most powerful in Netflix’s ‘The Sandman?’

Who is the most powerful of all?

Image via Netflix

Comic book fans have been waiting for a long time to see The Sandman come to life on screen. Plans for the show originally started back in 1991, however, those were never truly followed through and the idea was stuck — up until now. Netflix was finally able to pick up the show and produce it, and fans are so excited to be able to watch.

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The Endless are seven siblings who each have their own special and unique gift, and each has an ever-present part in all human life. Those seven are Death, Dream, Despair, Delirium, Desire, Destruction, and Destiny. Each one of the siblings has their own realm that they need to protect, although they are not gods, they are protectors. The show follows Dream, who is captured by humans and held captive for centuries. He is released after 106 years in captivity and returns to his realm to rebuild and restore what has been lost during his time away.

The siblings have also gotten into many conflicts with each other, much like any other pair of relatives today. This has fans wondering which sibling is the most powerful amongst the seven.

Who is the most powerful sibling?

Image via Comic Book Movie

As far as we know, Death is by far the most powerful sibling of the Endless. Death is shown to be a goth girl who is actually a lot more joyful and happy than one would assume, given the realm that she controls. She tries to comfort and help those who are about to die, something that is not a very easy thing to do at all.

She has a warmth that almost feels maternal and gives those around her a sense of peace when approaching death. She does not decide where people go after they die or how they die, but rather she is more of a comfort to be there to support them while it is happening.

The other siblings are truly powerless against Death, as is anyone who might come across her. Even though she is merciful and sweet, never mistake her kindness for weakness.