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Will there be ‘Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch’ season 4?

We need to know what's in those caves!

Duane Ollinger in season 3 of Discovery's 'Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch'.
Image via Discovery

Treasure-hunting fans are desperate to know what is inside the caves of Duane Ollinger’s Utah Blind Frog Ranch.

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Discovery’s Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch has been mystifying audiences for three seasons now as the Ollinger family digs around for gold deposits they are convinced have been hidden around the 160-acre property. The show tests all hypotheses, from possible ancient Aztec treasures to alien activity in an area of the country that’s ripe with all kinds of legends and myths.

Season three had quite a sudden ending, confusing fans about whether episode 8 really was the last we’d see of the Ollingers for now. The episode ended with the crew finally finding an entrance to the estate’s cavern system, which they have been trying to enter since the start of Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch.

Ryan Skinner, a paranormal, supernatural, and unexplained mysteries researcher who acts as a consultant to the crew’s excursions on the show, promised a ninth episode in a video published after episode six aired on Discovery, but it seemingly got cut from the programming. The family then explained on social media that the Warner Bros. Discovery merger and the “extremely brutal” 2023 winter at the Uintah mountains caused the show to start shooting later than usual.

Is season 4 of Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch happening?

Although Discovery has not officially announced a fourth season of the treasure-hunting show, the buzz around its cast shows a lot of promise.

Not only has Skinner spoken about possible tech improvements for the new season, but Duane’s son Chad has also shared an auspicious photo on his Instagram profile, which suggests he’s filming again. What for remains unclear, but everything points towards Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch season 4.


In the same Facebook post the ranch’s management used to justify season 3’s anti-climatic ending, it was noted that “the BFR story is not over,” and that fans should keep an eye on Discovery for future announcements.

Meanwhile, you can rewatch or catch up with all three seasons of Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch on Max. Happy scavenging!