All a company could ever hope for is for one of their commercials to go viral online over four years after it was originally released, right? Well, with just how bizarre Cup Noodles got with its previous “Hungry Days” campaign, it’s no surprise that anime fans might have dug up one of the old commercials.
The impressive CG effects and animation in the commercial for the instant ramen product are not only impressive enough to garner over seven-thousand upvotes over on Reddit but also absolutely baffle everyone who watches it. With the intense Aerosmith music in the background, we can’t help but wonder who thought a fully 3D animated apocalypse scene was the best way to sell their products.
Many fans of anime pointed out how the CG used for a commercial was better than some seen in professional productions, wishing the animators for the project could work on something else.
As one user pointed out, the video isn’t even the beginning of just how strangely intense commercials for the company can get over in Japan.
Of course, sometimes they go for a downright wacky angle over anything remotely normal as well as another user shared.
But hey, is it any worse than Arnold Schwarzenegger hand pounding out every single noodle put inside their cups? Yes, another user helped show this was a real commercial back in the 90s.
But seriously, would you watch a full anime of the “Hungry Days” caliber if Cup Noodles were to produce it?